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Orphan Outreach

2022-2023 Annual Report

15,467 vulnerable children, young adults and families served in programs internationally

In 2022:

  • 4,422 vulnerable children were provided new backpacks and school supplies in the U.S.
  • 6,866 children and young adults were provided educational assistance
  • 809,490 meals were erved
  • 1,332 children received personalized care and encouragement through sponsorship
  • 52 homes were built or renovated in Guatemala and Russia
  • 4,877 individuals received ongoing access to clean drinking water in Kenya
  • 34 adoption grants were funded through Joseph's DreamCoat in the United States and Kenya
  • 368 adults received Trauma Care Training in Ukraine
  • 34 Orphan Outreach programs worldwide
  • 200+ Orphan Outreach staff globally


Our Mission

The mission of Orphan Outreach is to glorify Jesus Christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian lifein their community.

We restore hope for orphaned and vulnerable children so that every child will experience God’s love and know Jesus as Savior.

Financial Summary


Total Revenue:

*Includes $960,011 of special restricted funds use


Program Services: $4,881,016 — 85% 
Supporting services: $490,912 — 8% 
Fundraising: $401,089 — 7% 

Total Expenses: $5,773,017 **
•• deficit was covered by cash reserves

Read Stories of Impact around the world

Africa  Asia  Eastern Europe Latin America U.S.


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I had the amazing privilege of traveling to see most of our programs and Orphan Outreach team members around the world in 2022 and 2023. Many I had last visited prior to the pandemic, but some I had never had an opportunity to meet until recently. In each country, I witnessed countless stories of miracles in the lives of children—stories like the ones you’ll read in the pages of this annual report. 

Of all the children I met, it’sRelinza* who opened my eyes to how God does more than we can ask or imagine. Our team in her country serves orphaned and vulnerable children in a highly impoverished slum community that offers few liberties to its residents. Relinza’s father struggles with addiction, and her mother passed away a few years ago. She was raised Hindu. I asked Relinza how she learned about our work in her country. She told me that our team was there for her when she didn’t have anyone else. They fed her, educated her, and cared for her. I have no doubt that God loves Relinza and has a plan for her life. One day Relinza will leave the slum. Looking back, she will recognize that the people who were there for her when she needed them most were Christians. What an amazing witness! 

St. Augustine is credited with saying, “Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Our staff around the world lives this out. 

Through your generosity, you have become part of each child’s story. As you look through the pages of our 2022-23 annual report, every number represents a child created in the image of God. Each of them has a name, a story, hopes and dreams, and unlimited potential. 

I think about the many ways you and Orphan Outreach partner together, and I am again reminded of Ephesians 3:20, that God is able to do far more than we could ask for or even imagine. The scripture says He reveals His power by working in and through us. 

Your support allows us to help these children embrace all that God has in store for their lives. This annual report is our special “thank you.” 

God keeps opening doors and opportunities for us to provide care to more children, to have a significant, long-term impact as we equip each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian life in their community. The future is bright. Our team is committed. And you are the fuel that keeps our ministry serving every single day. 

Thank you for your continued support. For His glory,
Rey Diaz, President

*The name of this child has been changed.