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Orphan Outreach


Learn More About our WOW Chapters

WOW Dallas Chapter

WOW Houston Chapter

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Women for Orphans Worldwide (WOW) is the national auxiliary for Orphan Outreach. Our members are invested in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.

WOW is the power of volunteerism to impact change in the life of a child.

WOW volunteers have raised more than $1.5 million for Orphan Outreach ministry partners. More than 1,500 team members have traveled to Guatemala to serve. There, they’ve built physical therapy rooms for children with special needs, and they’ve equipped computer labs for schools serving impoverished communities. They’ve installed stoves and clean water systems in homes, and they’ve built play areas for little ones. 

WOW is hands-on hope. It’s life-changing impact for both adults and teens. It’s a great way for families to serve together. Though our auxiliary is called Women for Orphans Worldwide, membership is open to EVERYONE! 

Wow Timeline 01 2


In July of 2009, thirteen mothers and daughters traveled on an Orphan Outreach mother-daughter team to serve in Guatemala.  That short-term mission trip became the catalyst for life-change. After seeing the overwhelming needs in the children’s homes and communities they visited, the teens asked if they might return home and invite their friends and family members to get involved in making a difference. Women for Orphans Worldwide was born.

Since its launch in 2009, WOW teams have traveled to Guatemala annually to provide volunteer support to the ministry partners of Orphan Outreach. Teens have hosted fundraisers at their schools, Scouts have adopted ministry programs as part of their honors programs, local community leaders have gathered friends and family to gather humanitarian aid.

And WOW continues to grow as the next generation of volunteer leaders rise, not only in Texas but across the country. Auxiliary membership is open to adults and teens who want to impact lives in their own community and around the world. 

Take a Trip

What makes a WOW mission trip so special? It’s transformation in action! Working with our ministry partners, you’ll help equip new therapeutic or educational programs, or provide much-needed improvements to existing programs. And there’s plenty of time for relationships to grow with the kids, families, and caregivers.

Interested in joining a mission trip, click the link below to find a mission trip now! 

Find a MISSION Trip

Become a Member

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

WOW is always looking for more members to help carry on the mission to impact lives through volunteer service and advocacy. It’s time for YOU to join us! If there’s a chapter near you, we’d love to connect you to it. If there’s not a chapter in your community, we’d love to talk about how you can start one.

But you don’t need a chapter to be part of the ministry!

Adult membership is only $50 annually. Students in middle school and high school may join for $25! 

Join WOW Now!

Start a Chapter

Ready to transform your community while you help change the lives of children around the world? Start a WOW auxiliary chapter! Simply complete and send the form below, and a WOW launch team member will contact you to talk to you more about the countries and ministry programs ready for your support.

You’ll receive a WOW - Let’s get Started! tool kit complete with:

  • Selecting a country and ministry program for your chapter
  • Great tips for selecting your board and recruiting members
  • Fun fundraising ideas
  • Powerful examples of WOW projects
  • Ways to expand your WOW presence through junior chapters and school clubs
  • How to set up a WOW vision trip to your partner country!

I am amazed at the joy...

It was the summer of 2017 when Julie Treadwell first packed her bags and boarded a plane for Guatemala. “I went with my two daughters who were 13 and 14 at the time,” Julie says.  “We went on a mother daughter trip and we signed up at the last minute primarily for social reasons.  One of my girls was having troubles with...   continue

A Gift from Tyler

The sound of water trickles playfully throughout the courtyard at the Community Care Center (CCC) in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. A colorful rock sits quietly at its base, proudly displaying the word “Paz” in a child’s careful print.

Paz means peace. It is a fitting word for the newly transformed space.

What was once a stark...   continue

Interested in Starting A WOW Chapter?

Please fill out the form below and we will connect with you on how you can start an auxiliary chapter in your area.