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Orphan Outreach

Gan Sabra Home and Community Outreach

Located in Mizoram

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Gan Sabra is a private Christian home in Aizawl, offering care for children of all ages living with HIV/AIDS. The home provides a safe and loving family environment where physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met with grace and love. In addition, Gan Sabra provides medical and nutritional support to vulnerable families impacted by HIV in the Aizawl area, and offers training on both the causes and the treatment of HIV, as well as appropriate care of those affected by the disease.

The children who come to Gan Sabra have often suffered unimaginable pain. Many have lost family members to AIDS. Most have experienced neglect or abuse. Few are given hope until they become part of the Gan Sabra family. At the home, they receive proper medical treatment and nutrition. They are provided educational opportunities and life skills training. And they are treated with dignity. There is plenty of room to play. And there is always time to pray.

Orphan Outreach partners with Gan Sabra, offering support through sponsorships of children both in the home and in the community program. Church partnerships have been established to help with operational support so that more children may receive care. And mission teams provide mentorship, teaching, and friendship for the children and families. Those who travel to Gan Sabra are warmly welcomed and accepted, and quickly discover deep and abiding faith of both the children and the staff.

Gan Sabra was founded in 2006 by Lucy, a caseworker for an emergency shelter serving sex workers. Her story began when a prostitute came into the shelter ready to give birth after multiple failed abortion attempts. She gave birth to a baby girl but quickly abandoned her. Lucy tried diligently to find a family for the infant, but no one wanted to care for a baby with HIV. Lucy prayed and felt God wanted her to adopt the baby girl. Because she now had a child, she lost her position with the emergency shelter. Lucy prayed for guidance as to what the Lord would have her do with her life. Realizing there were so many unwanted children with HIV, Lucy knew His answer.

The Gan Sabra community outreach program has been an answer to prayer for families impacted by HIV. Lucy and her team visit the families regularly, providing medical treatment, groceries, and counseling. A special program that provides baby formula to new mothers has significantly reduced the transmission of the disease from those mothers to their infants.

Gan Sabra Community

Meet the Children at Gan Sabra Community

Your generous gift will bring joy and purpose to children in India.

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Gan Sabra Community

Sponsor a Child at Gan Sabra Community

Ministry EmphasisCommunity Outreach, Educational Support, Medical Care, Therapeutic Care, Transitional Support, Family Reunification, Partnership, Family Strengthening, Humanitarian Aid
Ways to ConnectSponsorship, Mission Trips, Advocacy, Prayer, Giving
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