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Orphan Outreach

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For $42 a month, you can select the child you’d like to sponsor. As a sponsor, you’ll receive a photo and information about your sponsored child, annual progress reports with updated photos, and special updates throughout the year.

House of Grace (Dar-Ul-Fazl) and Rainbow School

Children who become part of the House of Grace family are able to stay at the home until adulthood; until they feel comfortable living independently. Though some of the children who call House of Grace their home have extended family in other parts of the country, a few have no family at all. Aunty shares, "One boy who came to live with us had no parents, and the officials wanted to put an '0' for his father. I said, 'No he has a father. His father is Emmanuel. Put that in the name. His father is God.'"

Orphan Outreach partners with House of Grace to provide expertise and resources for both the children’s home and the school. Support is provided through sponsorships and church partnerships, and mission teams offer mentoring, teaching, and other activities for both the children and the staff during school vacation seasons.

The House of Grace (DUF) Children’s Home and Rainbow School was founded in 1982 in Srinagar, Kashmir, by Mawitei (called Aunty). The first years were turbulent as political and religious opposition threatened to destroy the dreams of the woman born and raised in the country she wanted to serve well. In 1995, in order to escape the war in Kashmir, the home moved to its current location in Manali. The children’s home is a sanctuary for children from the ages of 4 to adulthood, and it is not uncommon to see college students and career professionals visiting the place they still call home.

U***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

U***** has just finished her time in college. She graduated with a Bachelor of Education degree and hopes to be a teacher in the near future. Her hope with this career is to positively impact children and help them grow their knowledge. Those who know U***** say she is often happy and funny, two great traits for her future career and her friendships. In her free time, she can be found doing anything active. U*****'s three favorite sports to play with others are volleyball, basketball, and table tennis. She also enjoys any opportunity to eat her favorite meal: momos (similar to dumplings) with a soft drink. U***** still loves the Bible verse Zephaniah 3:17, and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her future, spiritual life, and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15236

Sponsor U*****

T***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

T***** would like you to know that his family is doing well. He is also doing well. T***** is known by others to be a funny and happy young man. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, skating, and reading. He has also recently become interested in hiking and public speaking. T***** is currently studying at university and after finishing, hopes to become a business manager. He loves any chance he has to eat his favorite meal: vegetables and soda. T*****'s favorite Bible verse is John 15:16. He asks that you pray for his studies, for his family's health, and for his family to know Christ. Please also pray for T*****'s health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15382

Sponsor T*****

S******* in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

S******* would like you to know that her mother and father are doing well. She is still in college and has the goal of graduating with a high GPA. She is currently working toward her bachelor's degree and hopes to start her master's degree soon after. Those who know S******* best say that she is reserved and happy. In her free time, she often plays badminton, basketball, and table tennis. She also enjoys eating dumplings and drinking iced coffee. S*******'s favorite Bible verse is John 14:1, which says, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me." She asks that you pray for her studies and for her family to know Christ.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15384

Sponsor S*******

S***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

S***** is in her final semester of her undergraduate courses in college. In the next few years, she hopes to continue her education to receive a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing. We know S*****'s determined personality and strong work ethic will be very helpful as she continues her education. Not only does she work hard, but others say she is curious and funny, easily making others laugh and enjoy themselves. In her free time, S***** likes to stay active! Some of her favorite activities are running, hiking, and playing table tennis. She also gets excited for any opportunity to eat her favorite meal: Chinese food with a soft drink on the side. S***** loves to read Scripture and says her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. She asks that you would pray for her career and for her family to know Christ. Please also pray for her health and continued growth in her spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15385

Sponsor S*****

T***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

T***** is a happy, funny, and reserved young man who easily makes friends with those around him. He is in his second year of undergrad and hopes to get a Master of Commerce degree soon after. Upon graduation, T***** wants to get a job as a researcher in economics. His critical solving skills will help him in his role. Not only is he a critical solver, but T***** says he is a poetic person, as well. He loves to read, especially autobiographies. In addition to reading, T***** enjoys playing basketball and soccer in his free time. His favorite meal includes Italian pizza and a mango shake. T***** loves the story of Job in the Bible, and asks that you pray for his family to know Christ. Please also pray for his future and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15386

T***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

T***** is a happy and quiet young man who enjoys playing table tennis and basketball. He also spends his free time reading, one of his biggest interests. T*****'s love for reading and growing in knowledge is special. He hopes to continue learning after getting into a good college. T***** is currently applying for various colleges. Once he has graduated, he plans to join the Indian Air Force to serve his country. His favorite meal includes mutton, momos (similar to dumplings), and coffee. T***** loves the Bible verse Philippians 4:4, and asks that you pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health, future, and spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15387

Sponsor T*****

L**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

L**** wants you to know that her mother is doing well. She is also doing well herself. Those who know L**** best say that she is funny, happy, and reserved. She is quick to make friends and make others feel cared for. In her free time, L**** can be found playing volleyball, basketball, and table tennis. She also loves any chance to watch movies, eat meat or momos (similar to dumplings), and drink cold coffee. L**** now hopes to become a nurse in the future and obtain a job in a good hospital. Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 and she asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for L****'s health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15389

Sponsor L****

R**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 11

R**** would like you to know that her parents and five siblings are still doing well. She is known by others to be a funny and happy young girl. R**** enjoys any time she can have her favorite meal: siddu (traditional dish in India) with a Fanta. You can often find her playing basketball, volleyball, and badminton. She also enjoys doing arts and crafts in her free time. R****'s dream is to get into a good college and begin her studies to become a nurse. We are confident that with determination and hard work, she can achieve her goals. R****'s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 34:8, which says, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" She asks that you pray for her family and for her to take the right path in the future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15390

Sponsor R****

T**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

T**** is known by those around her to be easy-going and happy. Her calm presence is a blessing to everyone who meets her. T**** is currently in college studying social work. She hopes to get her Master's Degree and dreams of working at UNICEF to fight for those who need it most. Her compassionate heart is apparent to all who know her! In her free time, T**** enjoys playing badminton, table tennis, singing, dancing, reading books, and watching movies. She also has a great interest in making and experiencing new things. Though she likes new things, one old favorite has stayed consistent: her love for egg curry and Chinese food. T****'s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:4-7, and she asks that you pray for her family to know God. Please also pray for her health, education, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15392

Sponsor T****

Y******* in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

Y******* is one of ten children in her family. Her parents work as farmers to earn a living. She is currently in college and working to get a Bachelor of Arts. Y******* hopes to use her degree to serve her community well as a teacher. In the next few years, she plans to prepare for her university exams so she can pass them and graduate. Those who know Y******* best describe her as quiet, funny, and happy. In her free time, you can find her playing badminton, reading books, and watching movies. You might also find her eating the meal she loves most: rajma, rice, and fruit juice. Y*******'s favorite story in the Bible is about Daniel and her favorite verse is Joshua 1:9. She asks that you pray for her family and her studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15394

Sponsor Y*******

M**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

M**** wants you to know that her mother is still doing well. She is also doing well herself. She is in her second year of college, working toward a bachelor's degree in psychology. M**** hopes that the next few years are full of growth in knowledge in her field of study. She is known to be quiet and funny, easily befriending others through her gentle and caring personality. Spending time with these friends is one of M****'s favorite things to do. Together, they play basketball, table tennis, and watch movies. At the house, she enjoys when rice and rajma (a traditional dish in India) is made. M**** loves the Bible verse John 3:16 and asks that you pray for her spiritual life and studies. Please also pray for her health and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15396

Sponsor M****

A***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 12

A***** is a quiet and funny young girl who greatly desires to go to college and be a successful woman. Her driven, yet kind, personality quickly draws others in. A***** enjoys being active, especially by playing basketball and volleyball. She also enjoys playing the board game Carrom with others. Playing and having fun is one of the most important things to A*****. She loves any opportunity to eat momos (similar to dumplings) and drink Coca-Cola. In college, she hopes to study and work hard to become a nurse. A*****'s favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:4-5, and she asks that you pray for her studies and future plans. Please also pray for her health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15397

Sponsor A*****

B**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

B**** has five sisters and wants you to know that her family is doing well. She is known by those around her to be outgoing and happy, quickly drawing others in. One of B****'s biggest goals for this year is to work on college applications and be accepted into a good program. She hopes to become a physical therapist in the future so she can help others! In her free time, B**** enjoys playing table tennis, basketball, and chess. She notes that she is good at playing sports. She also really likes to read various kinds of books. B**** loves cinnamon cake and soft drinks when she is given the opportunity to have them. Her favorite Bible verse is Micah 7:7, and she asks that you pray for her father. Please also pray for her health, future, and education.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15398

Sponsor B****

D***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

D***** wants you to know that her family is still doing well. She is known by others to be a happy, funny, and talkative young woman. She is in her final year of college and her biggest goal is to get a stable job after graduation. Currently, D*****'s favorite activities are playing basketball, hiking, dancing, and drawing. She loves to be active and will play any sport when she is given the opportunity. D***** also appreciates any time she can eat noodles and drink Pepsi. Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 and she asks that you pray for her family, future, and for God's will to be done in her life. Please also pray for D*****'s health and education.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15403

Sponsor D*****

A**** C***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

A**** C***** would like for you to know that her family is doing well. Those who know her best say that she is a quiet, yet happy, young girl. She brings a peaceful presence to those around her. In her free time, A**** C***** enjoys playing table tennis, reading books, and hiking. One of her greatest interests is exploring new places, and hiking is one way she likes to do that. A**** C***** is still in college, studying to become a nutritionist, and has the goal of completing her studies and finding a steady job. She hopes that she will continue to grow in knowledge in this area so she can help those who need it. A**** C*****'s favorite meal is chicken dumplings and coffee, and her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11. She asks that you pray for her studies, her future, and her family's health. A**** C***** would also like for you to know that she is very grateful for your love and support!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15404

T****** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 11

T****** and her family are still doing well. Those who know T****** say that she a funny and happy young girl. Her favorite meal to enjoy with friends is ramen with a coke on the side. In her free time, T****** likes to play various sports. Currently, her three favorites are basketball, badminton, and table tennis. In the next few years, T****** hopes to get into a good college to begin her studies. She loves the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11, and asks that you pray for her future studies and plans.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15406

P***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

P***** would like you to know that his parents and siblings are doing well. He has three siblings: one brother and two sisters. P***** is known to be a happy and funny young man. His kindness and genuine smile draw others in. In his free time, P***** can be found playing basketball, soccer, and table tennis. He also enjoys playing the drums, which has sparked his interest in music. P***** is currently studying in college to become a software developer. He hopes to work hard and do well in this role. P*****'s favorite food and drink is a burger and cold coffee. He loves the Psalm 8 in the Bible and asks that you pray for his family and studies. Please also pray for P*****'s health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15409

Sponsor P*****

R******* in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 12

R******* would like you to know that his parents and siblings are still doing well. Those who know him best say that he is a happy and funny young man, lighting up any room he enters. Some of R*******'s favorite activities are playing badminton, soccer, and table tennis. He also finds himself to be a talented painter and dancer. R******* is a man of many skills! Along with his favorite activities, you can find R******* eating his favorite meal: pizza and meat with a soda on the side. In the next year, he dreams of getting into a good college. After finishing his studies, he wants to join the Army to serve his country. R*******'s favorite Bible verse is John 14:10. He asks that you pray for his studies and for his family to know Christ. Please also pray for his health and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15414

Sponsor R*******

R** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

R** and his father are both doing well. He is known by those around him to be funny, quiet, and happy. R** uses these strengths to care deeply for those around him. In his free time, he can be found playing badminton, basketball, and volleyball. R** also enjoys any time he can have his favorite meal: pizza, meat, and cold drinks. In the next few years, he dreams of graduating high school, studying in a good college, and becoming a businessman. We have no doubt he can accomplish this! R** loves the verse John 3:16-17 and the story of David in Scripture. He asks that you would pray for his father to know Christ and for his studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15417

Sponsor R**

J*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

J*** is known to be a happy and chatty young man, easily making friends with anyone who is around. His mother and older sister are still doing well. In his free time, J*** likes to play soccer, hide-and-seek, or any other athletic activity. He also enjoys eating his favorite snack: muffins and Mummy's Tea. In the next few years, J*** hopes to go to a good college and become a successful businessman. He loves the story of Moses parting the Red Sea in Scripture, and asks that you pray for his studies and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15419

Sponsor J***

S**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

S**** would like you to know that his family is still doing well. As you may know, he was working toward his Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education. S**** has completed his studies and hopes to open a business in the next few years. Those who know him best say that he is a happy young man. His positivity will help him as he strives to achieve his big goals! In his free time, S**** enjoys eating good meals, especially his favorite: rice and meat. He also likes to play badminton and basketball, cycle, and snowboard. S****'s favorite bible verse is John 14:6, which says, " Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" He asks that you pray for his family to know Christ. Please also pray for his future and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15421

Sponsor S****

A*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

As you may know, A*** has three siblings: two sisters and one brother. He would like you to know that his parents are still doing well in the village. A*** is still known to be happy and funny, easily making new friends. In his free time, he can be found playing table tennis, soccer, and basketball. A*** has started college and has the goal of starting a steady job in the next five years. He is currently getting his bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Technology. In the future, A*** hopes to get his Masters in this same field. He has big dreams and we know he can achieve them! A***'s favorite meal is still Mutton (marinated meat) with Coke. He loves the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 and asks that you pray for his father, as he is sick. Please also pray for A***'s education, future, and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15422

Sponsor A***

N*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 12

N*** and his family are still doing well. In his free time, N*** enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and table tennis. As you can see, he enjoys anything that is active! Those who know N*** say that he is also happy and quiet. He works hard in school and hopes to get into a good college soon. N*** dreams of becoming a veterinarian in the future. We have no doubt he can achieve this! N*** raves about his favorite meal: rice, rajma with a Maaza drink on the side. He loves the Bible verse Joshua 1:9, and asks that you pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health, future, and spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15423

L*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

L*** is known by her friends to be a happy and reserved girl who works hard in all she does. Her dream for the future is to become a professional researcher in psychology. She also has the goal of completing her master's degree in the next five years. We have full confidence that she can achieve her goals! In her free time, L*** enjoys singing, reading, and playing table tennis. She also enjoys any chance to eat her favorite meal: momos (similar to dumplings), thupka, and mango juice. L*** loves the Bible verse Romans 8:28, and she asks that you pray for her studies and her future. Please also pray for her health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-15424

K****** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 9

Those who know K****** best describe her as a happy and funny young girl. She loves to be active and can often be found playing basketball and volleyball. She also enjoys singing in her free time. After high school, K****** hopes to get into a good college to continue growing her knowledge. She currently dreams of joining the Navy after she graduates. K******'s favorite meal would include meat, rice, and Sting (an energy drink). Her favorite Bible verse is John 12:46 and she asks that you pray for her to get closer to the Lord. Please also pray for her education, health, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22599

K***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 9

Those who know K***** best describe her as a funny and happy young girl. In her free time, she enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and chess. She also loves to read. K***** hopes to become a teacher in the future so she can impact students as she has been impacted. She loves to eat rice and dal (a traditional dish in India), and loves any story about David in the Bible. K***** asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22600

Sponsor K*****

V**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

Meet V****, a bold and friendly young person from India with a heart full of gratitude. V**** has experienced significant changes this year, including joining a new class, where he continues to make impressive grades as he works hard toward his educational goals. His greatest accomplishment so far has been passing his recent exam, a testament to his dedication and determination. V**** is embarking on a journey to learn about the importance of prayer, nurturing his spiritual growth alongside his academic success. By sponsoring V****, you're not just supporting his education but becoming part of his journey to a fulfilling and independent Christian life. Join us and make a difference in V****'s future!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22601

B***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

B***** is a quiet and happy young man who dreams of going to a good college in the next few years. He is currently in the process of applying and hopes to become an accountant in the future. In his free time, B***** enjoys playing basketball, table tennis, and running. He also loves eating a good meal, especially his favorite: rice and meat, with a coke on the side. B***** enjoys reading Scripture, especially the story of Job, and asks that you pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22603

C**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

Meet C****, a joyful young person from India, who lights up every room with his friendly demeanor and grateful heart. Enthusiastically learning about the life of Moses, C**** is soaking up wisdom and knowledge with a steadfast spirit. This year was particularly special for him, as he transitioned to a new school, embraced new friendships, and celebrated the significant achievement of passing his exams with good grades. C**** enjoys learning and loves to stay active through a variety of sports played with his friends. C****'s emotional wellbeing is strong, and he dreams of a bright future. Your support could help fortify his path, nurturing both his education and his budding faith. Join us to make a difference in C****"s life and future!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22652

Sponsor C****

R**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

As you may know, R**** has one brother who is also at the Children's Home. He wants you to know that his grandmother is still doing well. Those who know R**** best say that he has a funny and happy personality, quickly drawing others in. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, table tennis, football, and singing. Sports are one of R****'s biggest interests! In the next few years, his goal is to graduate school and join a good college. His dream career is to become a police officer so he can protect others. R****'s favorite chapter in the Bible is Psalm 100 and he asks that you pray for his studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22654

C******* in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

Meet C******, a bright and generous boy from India who's making a mark in his new class and creating lasting friendships. He's not only excelling academically with good grades but also growing spiritually by learning about the life of David. C******'s friendly and honest nature is complemented by a healthy emotional wellbeing, making him a beacon of gratitude in his community. This year, he's proud to have passed his exam, a testament to his dedication and determination. C****** has an adventurous spirit and enjoys sports, especially basketball and football. By sponsoring C******, you can help nurture his journey towards a fulfilling, independent Christian life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22655

V***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 12

V***** is known to be a quiet, yet happy, young man. His smile and joy is contagious and a blessing to all who know him. One of V*****'s favorite things to do is spend time with friends. They often use their free time to play soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Though V***** likes to stay active, he also enjoys any opportunity to slow down and watch movies. He is doing well in school and is grateful for the education he is receiving. In the next few years, V***** hopes to get into a good college to continue his education. V***** has a great interest in civil services and wants to become a police officer after graduation. His goal with this career choice is to protect those in his community. V***** loves Scripture and says his favorite Bible verse is Psalm 1:1. He asks that you pray for his studies and future. Please also pray for his health and spiritual walk.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22656

Sponsor V*****

P*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 8

P*** would like you to know that her mother is still doing well. She is known by those around her to be a happy and reserved young girl. One of P***'s biggest goals for the next few years are to graduate from high school and get into a good college. In college, she plans to study to become a nurse so she can help those who need it most. In her free time, P*** enjoys playing volleyball, kickball, and basketball. She also likes to hike and have her favorite meal: meat, pizza, and coke. P*** loves the story of David in the Bible. She asks that you pray for her studies and for her family to know the Lord. Please also pray for her health and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22944

S***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 8

S***** would like you to know that her father and sister are still doing well. One of S*****'s biggest interests is animals, and she hopes to care for them as a veterinarian in the future. Until then, her goal is to finish high school strong and do well in her classes. Along with animals, S***** enjoys being active. Her favorite sports to play are basketball, volleyball, and table tennis. Not only is she sporty, but those around her say that she is funny and happy. As you can see, she has a beautiful smile and a warm personality! S*****'s favorite meal includes pasta, pizza, and a soda. She loves Scripture, especially the story of David. S***** asks that you pray for her family and her studies. Please also pray for her health and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22945

Sponsor S*****

A****** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 6

A****** lives at the home, but wants you to know that her grandparents are doing well. She is known to be a funny, happy, and quiet young girl who has a big interest in dancing. A******'s dream for the future is to become a professional dancer. Not only this, but she likes to sing as well. Before any of this happens, A******'s goal is to finish high school strong. In her free time, she is often found playing basketball, kickball, and running. She also loves any chance to eat pizza or meat and drink Mountain Dew. A******'s favorite chapter in the Bible is Psalm 103, and she asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her health, faith, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-22946

S***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 7

As you may know, S***** was left by his parents and moved into the Children's Home soon after. He has one older brother. Since he arrived at the home, S***** has found hope and developed big dreams for the future! Those who know S***** best say that he is a funny and happy young boy. As you can see, his smile is contagious. In his free time, S***** enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and chess. He still enjoys reading, as well. S***** is now unsure of his dream career, but his current desire is simply to continue his studies and hard work. His favorite meal is pizza and Tropicana juice. S***** loves Psalm 139 in the Bible, and asks that you pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-23437

K***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

K***** wants you to know that her father is still doing well. She is known to be a happy and funny young girl, easily befriending those around her. K***** is currently applying for colleges and hopes to be accepted into a good program soon. She dreams of becoming a social worker in the future. She also has a great interest in designing various objects. In her free time, K***** enjoys playing table tennis, badminton, and tennis. She also likes to eat momos (similar to dumplings) and drink cold drinks. K*****'s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28 and she asks that you pray for her studies and father's health. Please also pray for her future and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24100

T**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 6

Meet T****, a joyful and lovable young boy from India whose heart is as big as his smile! T**** is thriving in his new class, making lasting friendships and passing his exams with flying colors. His hard work and dedication are evident in his good grades, and he's proud to have learned how to write an essay! T**** loves to play basketball with his friends, and also enjoys singing and reading. As he learns Bible stories, T****'s friendly and generous nature continues to shine brightly. By sponsoring T****, you're not just supporting his educational journey, but also nurturing a future filled with hope and the love of Christ. Join us to make a lasting difference in T****'s life!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24101

K**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 3

K****'s father passed away when he was four months old, but he wants you to know that his mother is still doing well. He is a funny and reserved young boy who is known to be very helpful around the home. His responsibility is sweeping the floors. K**** loves when everyone gathers to eat his favorite meal: meat, rice, and mango juice. In his free time, he can be found playing basketball, soccer, and kickball. K**** also enjoys school, especially his favorite subjects: drawing and math. After finishing school, he hopes to become a police officer to protect those around him. K**** loves the story of David in the Bible and asks that you pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24102

Sponsor K****

P**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 12

P**** would like for you to know that her father and sister are still doing well. She is also doing well. Those who know P**** best describe her as a funny and happy girl, whose smile lights up every room she walks into. Her goals for the next few years are to finish high school, get into a good college, and become a successful businesswoman. In her free time, P**** enjoys playing badminton, volleyball, and running. She also loves to eat samosas and drink Sting (an energy drink). P****'s favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 7:14 and she asks that you pray for her future and studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24103

Sponsor P****

Y***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 6

Y***** has two siblings, one brother and one sister, who both live with their mother. All four family members are doing well. Y***** is a happy and helpful young girl. One of her responsibilities around the home is to sweep and mop shared areas. In her free time, Y***** enjoys playing kickball, badminton, and drawing. You can also find her eating her favorite meal: a burger with Mountain Dew on the side. Y***** is a great student and is thankful for the education she is receiving. Her two favorite subjects are science, because it is interesting, and English, as she likes to read stories. Y***** still hopes to continue her education to become a doctor and help those who are sick. When asked what she likes most about herself, Y***** answered, "I like my hair." Her favorite story in the Bible is David and Goliath, and she asks that you pray for her studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24104

Sponsor Y*****

R***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 8

R***** would like you to know that his family is still doing well, and so is he. Those who know him best say that he is a funny and happy young boy, bringing joy and energy into every room. R***** loves any good meal, but his favorite includes momos (similar to dumplings) and Sprite. He often spends his free time playing basketball, soccer, and badminton. As you can see, he loves to be active! Though R***** has not decided what he wants to be when he grows up, he is determined to continue his studies and do well in his classes. His favorite story in the Bible is the story of the ten lepers and he loves the Bible verse John 8:36. R***** asks that you pray for his studies, health, and spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24105

Sponsor R*****

K****** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 12

K****** wants you to know that her father is still doing well. She is often known by those around her to be a funny and happy young girl. In her free time, you can often find K****** playing badminton, basketball, and table tennis with her friends. She dreams of being accepted to a good college and studying Fashion Design while there. She also hopes to pass the NDA exam and potentially join the military. As for food, K****** loves Paratha (similar to flatbread) and Coca-Cola. She enjoys the story of Samson in the Bible and asks that you pray for her future. Please also pray for her faith, education, and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24106

L*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 5

Meet L***, a joyful and lovable young girl from India whose generous spirit makes everyone around her smile. She’s thriving in her new class, making good grades, and her excitement shines as she talks about her latest achievement—writing an essay and passing her exam with flying colors! L*** is also discovering the beauty of Bible stories, opening her heart to the teachings of Jesus. L*** loves to sing, and enjoys reading story books. Her friendly nature and healthy emotional wellbeing make her a delight to her classmates and teachers alike. Your sponsorship can help L*** continue her educational journey and grow in her faith. Join us to make a lasting difference in L***'s life!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24107

A*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 5

Meet A***, a bright and spirited boy from India, with a heart as warm as his smile. His teachers praise his creative and friendly nature, and they're even more delighted by his polite demeanor and gratitude. A*** is thriving in school, making good grades, and he's proud of having successfully passed his recent exam—a testament to his hard work and dedication. As he learns about the importance of prayer and forgiveness, A*** is growing in his faith and emotional well-being. By sponsoring A***, you'll join him on his journey toward educational success and a bright future filled with hope and independence.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24108

Sponsor A***

B***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

B***** wants you to know that her parents are doing well. She is also doing well. Those who know her best describe her as funny and happy, quickly befriending those she meets. B***** is currently in college and dreams of starting her own business in the future. Her desire is to do this within the next five years. She has set big goals for herself and we are confident she can achieve them! In her free time, B***** enjoys hiking and playing volleyball and badminton. Her favorite meal is meat and rice with coke on the side. B***** loves the Bible verse 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, and she asks you to pray for her family to know Christ. Please also pray for her health and studies.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24234

Sponsor B*****

P**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 12

As you may know, P**** has two siblings: one sister and one brother. She is known by others to be a happy and reserved young girl. One of P****'s biggest interests is playing. Some of her favorite sports to play are volleyball, basketball, and badminton. P**** also enjoys any opportunity to eat her favorite meal: pizza and coke. In the next year, she hopes to get into a good college so she can work toward her dream career. P**** loves the Bible verse Matthew 7:7-11 and she asks you to pray for her studies. Please also pray for her health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24603

P***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 11

Meet P*****, a gentle and friendly spirit from India whose smile lights up every room. This year has been a big one for her, as she successfully passed her board exams and embraced the exciting opportunity of joining a new school, where she's made wonderful new friends. P***** is flourishing academically, making good grades and soaking up lessons about loving others from the inspiring life of Moses. Her emotional wellbeing shines through, and she’s incredibly grateful for the support she receives. By sponsoring P*****, you'll be part of her beautiful journey, helping her learn and grow in a nurturing environment. Join us to make a lasting difference in P*****'s life!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24604

P******* in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 7

P******* would like you to know that her mother is a housewife and doing well. She and her siblings are also doing well. Those who know P******* best say that she is a happy and funny girl, bringing joy into any room she enters. Her free time often consists of basketball, soccer, and kickball. As you can see, she is active! In the next few years, P******* hopes to continue her studies to become a pilot in the future. Her favorite meal includes: rice, rajma, and any cold drink. P*******'s favorite story in the Bible is the birth of Jesus. She asks that you pray for her studies and for her mother.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24605

P****** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 6

P****** is a happy and quiet boy, bringing a peaceful presence to any room. He is also helpful around the home, specifically by sweeping and mopping his room. In his free time, P****** enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and kickball. He also enjoys going to school and is grateful for the education he is receiving. Currently, his favorite subjects are math and science. After finishing school, P****** hopes to join the Army, because he wants to serve his country. The meal he raves about most is rajma and rice. P******'s favorite story in the Bible is about Adam and Eve, and he asks that you pray for his parents and studies. Please also pray for his health and spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24606

Sponsor P******

V******* in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 8

V******* and her family are all doing well. Her goals for the next few years are to continue her studies and do well in her classes. She still has the dream of getting her pilot's license after finishing high school. Those who know V******* best say that she is reserved, yet happy. Her kind personality quickly draws others in. Some of V*******'s favorite things to do with friends are play basketball, volleyball, and draw. She also enjoys any chance to eat the meal she loves most: pizza and coke. V******* loves the story of the crucifixion in Scripture and asks that you pray for her family and studies. Please also pray for her health and spiritual life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24607

P*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: GRAD

As you may know, P*** successfully graduated from college with a degree in Economics (Honors)! Not only this, but he is currently working on his Master's Degree in Social Work. P*** wants to become a professional social worker and work with the government or a NGO. Specifically, his dream is to work in rural communities, helping children who need it. P*** has big goals and we are confident that he can accomplish them! Those who know him best say he is a funny and happy young man who easily draws others in. In his free time, P*** enjoys playing volleyball, hiking, and reading. He also can be found eating his favorite meal: momos (similar to dumplings), thukpa, and cold coffee. P*** loves reading the Sermon on the Mount from Scripture. He asks that you pray for his career and for his family to know Christ.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-24761

Sponsor P***

A****** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: GRAD

A****** has one brother and one sister. She was placed in the children's home a year ago, as her mother could no longer afford to look after her. She is currently in her second year of college, working toward her dream career of nursing. A******'s goals for the next five years are to get a steady job working in a sought-after hospital. She is known to be quiet and happy, easily making others feel known and cared for. When spending time with others, A****** enjoys playing Ludo (a board game), volleyball, and basketball. She also loves any opportunity to eat momos (similar to dumplings) and have a soft drink. A****** loves the chapter Psalm 111 and asks that you pray for her family and studies. Please also pray for her health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25122

Sponsor A******

V**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 11

Meet V****, an adventurous and joyful young boy from India with a heart full of gratitude. He’s currently excelling academically, with his recent triumph being the successful completion of his exams. V**** is both friendly and expressive, thriving in his new class and embracing each opportunity to learn. Through his studies, he finds inspiration in the story of Job, nurturing a deepening understanding of faith and perseverance. Sponsoring V**** means becoming a part of his uplifting journey as he continues to pursue his educational goals, including college in the future, and his spiritual growth. You can make a difference in V****'s life through your sponsorship!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25175

Sponsor V****

B****** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 2

As you may know, B******'s father passed away, but he wants you to know that his grandparents are doing well. He is known to be a funny and happy young boy, who is a great helper. One of his responsibilities at the home is to empty the dustbin, and he does it with joy. At school, B******'s favorite activities are drawing and playing games. He finds them to be fun ways to learn! After finishing school, B****** hopes to join the Army because he wants to serve his country. In his free time, he loves to stay active by playing kickball and soccer. B****** also enjoys a good meal, especially meat and rice. His favorite story in the Bible is the story of Jonah, and he asks that you pray for his studies and his grandparents. Please also pray for his health and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25176

Sponsor B******

I***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 2

As you may know, I*****'s father left. She has no siblings, but her mother is doing well. I***** is known by others to be talkative and funny. She is a big helper, which can be seen through her responsibility of arranging the shoes in the home. In her free time, I***** enjoys playing soccer, hide-and-seek, and games on the Carrom board. She is grateful for her education and has two favorite subjects: Hindi, because it comes easy to her, and math, because she enjoys the content. After she finishes school, I***** hopes to become a doctor because she likes doctors. I***** loves the story of the resurrection in the Bible and asks that you pray for her family. Please also pray for her health, education, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25177

J***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 2

J*****'s father passed away and his mother remarried. He has three sisters and would like you to know that his grandparents are doing well. J***** is known to be a funny and happy young boy who is very helpful. His main responsibility at the home is to clean his room. When asked what makes him most proud, J***** answered, "I am good at playing." Some of his favorite activities to do with friends are playing kickball, basketball, and soccer. At school, J***** enjoys drawing and playing games, as they are fun ways to learn. After finishing school, he hopes to join the Army so he can serve his country. His favorite meal to eat is rice, meat, and Coca-Cola. J*****'s favorite story in the Bible is about the birth of Jesus, and he asks you to pray for his studies. Please also pray for his health, siblings, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25178

Sponsor J*****

K***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: K

K*****'s father passed away. He and his brother moved into the home soon after, while his two sisters stayed with their grandparents. Those who know K***** say that he is funny and talkative, easily bringing joy into any situation. He is also helpful, seen in his eagerness to jump in and clean the bathrooms at the home. K***** loves school, especially his English and Hindi classes. In fact, he wants to be a teacher when he grows up because he has been impacted by his teachers. In his free time, K***** likes to play kickball, football, and draw. He also enjoys any chance to have his favorite meal: timok (a type of bread) and ketchup, with milk on the side. When asked what he likes about himself, K***** answered, "my hair!" His favorite story in the Bible is Noah's ark, and he asks that you pray for his family.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25179

Sponsor K*****

K****** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 6

Meet K******, a joyful and gentle young boy from India with a heart full of generosity. His friendly nature shines through as he excels in his studies, making good grades ever since he joined his new class. K****** is a very good singer, and also excels in drawing! He is on a beautiful journey of faith, memorizing Bible verses and learning Bible stories that inspire him each day. K******'s greatest accomplishment this year was passing his exams, and he carries a healthy spirit, ready to embrace what tomorrow holds. Join us as a sponsor to nurture K******'s growth and dreams—together, we can make a lasting impact in his life.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25180

Sponsor K******

L****** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 2

Meet L******, a joyful and lovable young boy from India whose gentle spirit and genuine smile are sure to touch your heart. With his friendly nature, L****** is flourishing in school, consistently making good grades and proudly celebrating his success in passing the exam this year. As he embraces new adventures in his class, L******'s eyes light up with excitement as he learns Bible stories, opening his heart to the wonders of God's love. L****** enjoys reading story books which bolsters his success in school. Your sponsorship could play a pivotal role in nurturing his educational journey as he continues to learn to read and write, ensuring a promising future filled with hope and opportunity. Please join us and make a difference in L******'s life!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25181

Sponsor L******

M**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 5

Meet M****, a joyful and creative young girl from India who brings light and laughter to those around her. With her gentle and friendly nature, she has transitioned seamlessly into her new class, embracing both the challenges and joys it brings. M**** makes good grades and recently achieved a significant milestone by passing her exam and learning to write an essay, showcasing her dedication to her education. Beyond academics, she is eager to learn Bible verses, nurturing her spiritual growth. M**** also loves to play badminton. Sponsoring M**** not only supports her aspirations but also empowers her to continue thriving in a loving environment. Join us to make a lasting difference in M****'s life!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25182

Sponsor M****

M***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 11

Meet M*****, a bright and polite young person from India, who is making wonderful strides in her educational journey. She's just started a new class and is thrilled to have made new friends, all while maintaining her good grades. M***** is learning about perseverance and faith through the story of Job, enriching her spiritual understanding. This year, she takes pride in having passed her exams—an accomplishment that signifies her dedication and hard work. With her friendly and generous nature, M***** aspires to continue her education, and she welcomes the opportunity for a sponsor to join her on this inspiring path. Sponsor M***** and be part of her journey toward a bright and independent future!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25183

Sponsor M*****

S***** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 2

Meet S*****, a joyful and lovable young boy from India who is eager to embrace new friendships and experiences. He takes pride in making good grades and has recently achieved the milestone of passing his exams with flying colors. S***** is enthusiastically learning to read and write, and his friendly, honest nature makes him a delight to everyone he meets. He enjoys drawing, and playing football, his favorite sport! He’s also discovering the beauty of Bible stories, enriching his journey towards independence and faith. Your sponsorship can support S*****'s educational journey and nurture his dreams. Won't you help us make a difference in S*****'s life?

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25184

Sponsor S*****

S***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 2

S*****'s mother passed away and her father has recently been sick. However, she says that her father is now doing well. She has four sisters, three of which live at the children's home with her. S***** is known to be a happy and helpful young girl. She helps around the home by sweeping and mopping rooms. In her free time, S***** enjoys playing Ludo (an online board game) and drawing. S***** also enjoys eating her favorite meal: rajma and rice, with a coke on the side. She is thankful for her education and loves school, especially her favorite subjects: English and environmental science. When asked what she likes most about herself, S***** answered, "my hair!" Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16, and she asks that you pray for her family. Please also pray for her education, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25186

Sponsor S*****

S**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 6

S****'s father passed away and her mother remarried. She has three siblings: two sisters and one brother. Those who know S**** best say that she is quiet and happy, easily bringing a smile to the room. In her free time, she likes to play kickball, basketball, and badminton. She also really enjoys singing and dancing - two special talents she has! In the next few years, S**** has the goal of finishing high school. After graduation, she hopes to become a police officer to protect her community. S****'s favorite meal includes meat, rice, and coke. She loves the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Bible, and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her future, health, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25187

Sponsor S****

T***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 3

Meet T*****, a joyful and lovable young girl from India who loves to make new friends and embrace her learning journey with a relaxed and friendly spirit. Two of T*****'s four sisters live at the home with her. T***** loves to skip rope and is an excellent game player! She's flourishing in school, making good grades, and her greatest accomplishment this year was passing her exams with flying colors. T***** has also experienced the exciting change of joining a new class, and she's eager to continue learning, especially when it comes to improving her reading and writing skills. T***** is discovering the wonders of Bible stories, nurturing her healthy emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. Your sponsorship could light the path to a bright, hopeful future for T*****, guiding her every step of the way.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25188

Sponsor T*****

A** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: K

After their father passed away, A** and her two sisters moved into the home. Those around her often describe her as a happy and funny young girl. A** enjoys spending time at school and especially loves her favorite subjects: English and math. After many more years of schooling, she hopes to become a doctor to help those who are sick. When she is away from school, A** can be found playing with her toys, playing ball, and singing. She also loves any chance to eat her favorite meal: rajma (a traditional Indian dish), rice, and a cup of milk. Though A** treasures many different stories in the Bible, her favorite is the story of the birth of Jesus. She asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25664

Sponsor A**

A*** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 8

A*** is known to be a quiet, yet happy, young boy. He has two siblings: one sister and one brother. You can often find A*** playing soccer, badminton, and kho-kho (a traditional Indian sport). A*** hopes to spend the next few years continuing his education and growing in knowledge so he is best prepared for the future. After graduation, he dreams of becoming an officer in the Army so he can serve his country well. Currently, A***'s favorite meal is Biryani (a local dish) with Mountain Dew. He asks that you pray for him to learn to speak English. Please also pray for his health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25665

Sponsor A***

A**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: K

A**** is known to be a funny and happy young boy. He is enjoying school, especially his Hindi class, because it comes easy to him. After many years of schooling, he hopes to become a police officer so he can protect those around him. In addition to school, A**** has loved learning about the Bible. Currently, his favorite story is the story of Adam and Eve. When he has free time apart from learning, you can find A**** playing chess, soccer, and kickball with his friends. His upbeat and kind personality makes it easy for him to have fun with his friends! A**** gets extra excited when he is able to eat his favorite meal: Dal and rice with mango juice. He asks that you would pray for his studies. Please also pray for A****'s faith, future, and health.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25666

Sponsor A****

J**** in India

Gender: Male
Grade: 4

Meet J****, a bright and joyful young boy from India, whose friendly nature lights up every room he enters. Excelling in his schoolwork, J**** is making strides towards his educational goals, and is proud to have successfully passed his exam this year. He eagerly embraces learning Bible stories, nurturing his understanding of God’s love. J**** enjoys drawing which brings out his creativity, and playing basketball with friends! With his grateful heart and healthy emotional wellbeing, J**** is adapting well to the significant change of joining a new class. Sponsoring J**** means playing a vital role in his path to a fulfilling and independent Christian life. Join us to make a difference in J****'s future!

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25667

Sponsor J****

J**** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: K

After J****'s father passed away, she and her two sisters moved into the home. She is known to be a happy and funny young girl. J**** has recently started school and currently, her favorite subjects are English and math. After all of her schooling, she dreams of joining the Army so she can protect her country. When J**** has free time, she can be found swinging, playing with her toys, and drawing. Her favorite food to eat is Rajma and rice (a traditional Indian dish) with a side of milk. J**** loves the story of the crucifixion and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her health, future, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25668

Sponsor J****

K***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 6

K***** is a quiet young girl who is incredibly helpful. One way she shows this is through her responsibility at the home: cleaning the steps. When asked what she likes about herself, K***** answered, "that I am beautiful." In her free time, she can be found playing kickball, badminton, and kho kho (a traditional sport in India). K***** also enjoys dancing, the talent she feels most proud of. K***** is doing well at school and finds her favorite classes to be Hindi and drawing. After finishing school, she hopes to become a police officer so she can protect her community. K*****'s favorite meal to eat with her friends is dal and rice with a coke on the side. She loves reading the Bible, especially stories about Moses, and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for K*****'s health, faith, and future.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25669

Sponsor K*****

R*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 5

Meet R***, a joyful and polite young girl from India who's capturing hearts with her friendly nature and gracious smile. One of R***'s sisters lives at the home with her. As she journeys through new academic challenges, R*** is excelling and has proudly learned to write an essay. Her greatest accomplishment this year was passing her exams, and she's now embracing the exciting transition to a new class. In her free time, R*** loves listening to Bible stories and is eager to learn more about God's love. With a healthy emotional outlook and a grateful spirit, she dreams of a bright future, and your support could be just the encouragement she needs to continue on this promising path. Join us in making a difference in R***'s life as she grows in faith and knowledge.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25670

Sponsor R***

M*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 2

M*** is known to be a happy and helpful young girl who has three siblings. One of her sisters lives at the home with her. M***'s responsibility at the home is to sweep the study room and keep it tidy for others. When asked what she likes most about herself, she says, "I am helpful," showing her eagerness to jump in when needed. In her free time, M*** enjoys playing basketball, kickball, and badminton. She is also a great singer and dancer. M*** is doing well in school. Her favorite classes are English, specifically the stories they read, and environmental science, because it comes easy to her. After finishing school, M*** hopes to become a police officer so she can protect those in her country. Her favorite meal is rice and dal, with a side of juice. She loves the story of the crucifixion in the Bible and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for M***'s health and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25671

Sponsor M***

M*** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: K

After M***'s father passed away, she and her two sisters moved to the home together. She enjoys school, especially her English and math classes. After finishing school, M*** hopes to become a police officer. In her free time, she can be found playing ball, with her toys, and drawing. She is known by those around her to be happy and funny, easily making friends. M*** also raves about her favorite meal: rajma (a traditional dish in India), rice, and milk. She loves the story about Noah's ark and asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for her siblings, health, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25672

Sponsor M***

A***** in India

Gender: Female
Grade: 6

A***** is a quiet and happy girl who lives at the home with one of her brothers. She is eager to jump in where help is needed, but her specific responsibility at the home is to sweep the verandah. A*****'s favorite activities to take part in are the game Ludo, playing snake and ladder, and singing. She also loves school. Her favorite subjects are math, because she enjoys the content, and English, because learning languages is interesting to her. After finishing school, A***** hopes to become a police officer so she can protect those who need it most. When asked what she likes most about herself, A*****'s response was, "my hair." She loves eating rajma (traditional dish in India) and rice with chai on the side. She asks that you pray for her studies. Please also pray for A*****'s health, brother, and faith.

Sponsorship Code: INDUF-25673

Sponsor A*****