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Orphan Outreach

Here for Good, There for Good

Glen Brechner, the executive pastor at Chase Oaks Church, has always been passionate about making a deep and lasting impact on the world. In 2018, he embarked on a life-changing mission trip to “NiCo”, Orphan Outreach’s community outreach center providing Christ-centered care to vulnerable children in the town of La Paz...   continue

She went home determined to make a difference...

Sandra Doty had traveled to Guatemala numerous times with various organizations prior to 2016 when she traveled there with Orphan Outreach. She distinctly remembers going home and telling her husband that this time, the trip was different.  “I remember being really impressed with how well the trip was organized and...   continue

You can't help but want to get involved...

Wilson Williams has played an important role in Orphan Outreach since its inception in 2007. He and his wife caught the vision the founding president Mike Douris shared with them, and they both felt the Lord’s calling to take part. In 2010, he officially became a board member of Orphan Outreach.For months, Wilson...   continue

Special people who have a special purpose...

Craig DiGiovanni vividly remembers the moment he saw a young girl living in a high-risk, impoverished area of Honduras, wearing his daughter’s dress on one of his first trips with Orphan Outreach.The few seconds left a lasting imprint on his heart, not only because a part of his daughter was being left with the girl, but...   continue

Hope Can Start Small

Even the most broken stories hold a seed of hope. When these seeds are placed in the hands of God, they bear the fruit of wholeness and redemption. This is certainly the case for Thomas, whose story begins with abandonment but ends in abundance. “We received Thomas because his mom had been neglecting him,” Gerardo Flores...   continue

A Bridge Between Hearts

It’s a warm, early morning and Elena is sitting in the bow of a small boat. She’s crossing the lake near her home in Guatemala, preparing to meet up with a team of volunteers on one of Orphan Outreach’s short-term mission trips. This is Elena’s second year serving as a translator for Orphan Outreach (not counting the year...   continue

Revolution for Hope

High in the Honduran mountains, there is a home whose walls are covered in pictures. Pictures of families once thought lost, but who have now been found. The hope these pictures impart are a sign of a silent revolution- one that challenges the decades-old standards of orphan care, and one that is changing lives, communities, and...   continue