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Orphan Outreach

Why I Believe the Best is Yet to Come

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2020 is in the rearview.  I think we are all still trying to make sense of it all.  The COVID pandemic and the loss of life, racial tensions, a challenging election season, the struggling economy, and on and on. 

I spent the first half of the year studying the early church, which faced similar crises, to see how they responded.  In light of a global famine and intense persecution, they showed a passionate commitment to the poor, sick, and least of these.  They understood the truth that God has made know to us at Orphan Outreach this year—God is fully vested, deeply and personally, in the plight of orphaned and vulnerable children—and in all who are destitute and defenseless (Dt 10:18; Ps 10:14; Ps 68:5-6, Is 58:5-12).  God calls His people to reflect His special love for these children in both word and deed. 

I’ve been amazed to witness all of our ministry to the least of these not only continue despite the pandemic, but expand to include more children and more families.  Our global Orphan Outreach family has gone above and beyond.  Our partners and donors have given sacrificially. 

And God has provided more than enough. 

So, as I look forward to 2021, I’ve switched my focus to the book of Isaiah.  The people of Israel were in the midst of calamity, but God was calling them to look to the future.  Take a minute before the end of the Year to read Isaiah chapter 40.

“Here is Your God”

“See the Sovereign Lord comes with power”

“He tends his flock like a shepherd”

“Who has measured the waters in the hollow if his hand”

“Lift up your eyes and look to heavens: Who created all of these”

“The Lord is the everlasting God.”

As we go into 2021, here is the promise I’m praying we all hold on to – “God gives strength to the weary…. Those who hope in the Lord will have their strength renewed.”

The best is yet to come because God is still in control.

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