2020-2021 Annual Report
Meet the children and families you served and celebrate what God has done through your kindness.
Our Priorities
8,382 vulnerable children and family members served in programs internationally
3,496 vulnerable children provided new backpacks and school supplies in the U.S.
1,901 children provided access to a quality education and mentorship
1,883,366 meals provided to children and family members supported by our programs and through partnerships with governments and other ministries
1,074 children received personalized care and encouragement through sponsorship
Contributions $4,180,914 96%
Mission Trips $117,467 2%
Net Event Income $52,206 2%
Total Revenue: $4,350,587**
** Excludes $2,095,199 special restricted funds
Program Services: $3,114,485 82%
Supporting services: $349,143 9%
Fundraising: $369,159 9%
Total Expenses: $3,862,787
Our Mission
The mission of Orphan Outreach is to glorify Jesus Christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian life in their community.
We restore hope for orphaned and vulnerable children so that every child will experience God’s love and know Jesus as Savior.
When hope steps in, life changes.
Nailepu and her three grandchildren live in Naisoya village in Narok County. Working the fields as a day laborer offers little income, but it is all that is available. Even those jobs became nonexistent in 2020 due to the impact of COVID. Nailepu didn’t know how she was going to care for her family. But then, hope arrived. A group of strangers came to her village. She learned that they were creating a program to help strengthen families, and Nailepu and her grandchildren were at the top of their list for care. Those strangers became friends as Orphan Outreach’s newest ministry, Narok Community Outreach Initiative, provided food and offered emotional support to carry her through the most difficult of days.
Sometimes, it takes a village to create a family
By the age of 4, Tashi was alone. Both his mom and dad were gone, and his two sisters had been placed in a government home. The little boy had no one to provide the care he needed. But neighbors in his village learned of a place where the orphaned and vulnerable were given more than sanctuary—a place called Dar-Ul-Fazl. Tashi has called Dar-Ul-Fazl home since 2017, and he often talks about how God has given him a family that loves him and cares for him. Even in the midst of the devastating impact of COVID in India, Tashi has felt safe and secure. He’s learning to play guitar and is practicing his dance moves in preparation for future visits from his Orphan Outreach friends in the United States.
Learn more about our commitment to providing holistic care to kids like Tashi.
It’s a place filled with open doors and open hearts.
For Arun and his friends, the Godawari Education Center (GEC) provides far more than mentoring and tutoring. The teachers recognize the unique challenges faced by children who live in extreme poverty in the slum community near Kathmandu. As one teacher says, “When we see a troubled child, our heart goes out to them. We offer not only education but counseling as best we can.” The center also provides meals, school supplies, and more for each child. And when COVID meant lockdowns for Nepal, the GEC opened their doors to provide meals not only to the children in its program but their families as well.
She thought she was alone—until her life was filled with love.
As a child, Olya was separated from her parents and siblings after the courts declared her home unsafe due to addiction. She grew up in orphanages, and at the age of 18 was told she had to move into a shared apartment with strangers. But she knew there was a safe place to share her fears, because Olya was part of the Aging Out Initiative. Her support team worked tirelessly to find Olya a home that she could call her own. Now married and expecting her first child, Olya says,“For me to have my own home means safety for my family, and it gives me confidence.”
Discover the depth of personalized care provided to young adults as they navigate independence
There is nothing more powerful than a helping hand.
Katrina was distraught. A young mom with special needs who had grown up in a Latvian orphanage, she didn’t think she could be a good parent to her little boy, Matiss. She was considering orphan care for him when she met the team at Miera Osta Family Support Centre. She was provided the encouragement and training she needed to gain confidence as a parent. Katrina and Matiss were one of the first families to participate in Early Intervention classes for moms and their little ones, and she continues to receive personalized care to help her understand and respond to his developmental needs as Matiss begins his journey in Montessori.
Learn more about our commitment to preparing young adults for independence
In Karosta, children often bear the consequences of their heritage. Abuse, abandonment, and addiction take their toll on the youngest citizens of this often-forgotten community in Latvia. Without physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual support, there is little hope for families to be strengthened and healed—and for children to have a better future.
The Miera Osta Family Support Centre provides new moms and their little ones with that hope through special classes that offer training, mentoring, and personalized care. The goal of the program is to help these moms bond with their children, providing the emotional health needed to break the cycle of brokenness and transform not only the families but Karosta as well.
Every child wants to be known and loved.
She was unwanted and left at the hospital when it was discovered her legs and feet were malformed. But Oksana never allowed her disability to define her worth. She knew even as a child living in an orphanage that her life had value, and she longed for someone else to see that value too. That someone else was Zhenya, a social worker with the Aging Out Initiative in Ukraine. With the consistent support she received, Oksana was able to attend university and pursue her passion for sports. Even in the midst of lockdowns due to COVID, she dedicated herself to training. Now on the Ukrainian National Para-Badminton Team, Oksana says, “When I talk to God, I always say:‘I want to glorify you in sports and become an example for someone that I am an athlete and a believer.’”
Caring for children and adults with special needs and disabilities is a priority for us. Learn more.
It’s time to celebrate impossible things.
Londy enrolled at the Community Outreach Center in Chimaltenango (CCC) only one month before Guatemala began its quarantine due to COVID. Though she couldn’t see her new friends and teachers, she faithfully studied at home while receiving encouraging phone calls by the CCC staff. That encouragement became her life-saving connection later in the year. Londy felt a lump in her abdomen, and the CCC team rallied around her as she received devastating news: she had cancer. Throughout her treatment, in the midst of quarantines and closures, the CCC staff was there–with transportation, counseling, and help with medical bills. And there was a celebration when the good news came that the cancer was gone! Londy’s mom says she now sees hope in impossible things.
Sometimes hope looks like a family reunion.
Stephanie* was welcomed at Hope of Jesus when she was eight years old, after being removed from an abusive home and a mother who offered little care. At Hope of Jesus, she found the hope that was lacking for so many years. And she found something else—a team of social workers committed to providing a safe and loving family environment as they focused on what was in her best interest. The team researched Stephanie’s heritage and, in 2020, found the father who had been separated from his little girl when she was only three. She, her dad, and her brothers met in March 2021. She was overwhelmed when she heard the words, "my daughter” for the first time, and she learned that she’s an aunt. With the support of Hope of Jesus, she’s now preparing to move in with her dad, and plans to attend law school so she can help reunite more families.
Discover what it means when we say we protect the rights of children.
From her earliest days as a first-grade student at Good Shepherd Academy in Santiago, Guatemala, Lidia knew she wanted to one day be a pediatrician. Her parents longed to encourage her dreams, but they struggled to bridge the gap between the cost of education and their very meager income. Fortunately, Lidia’s teacher told them about a special program called sponsorship which would provide Lidia with the essentials of care she needed to thrive. Lidia was sponsored throughout her time at Good Shepherd, and she became one of the first candidates in the Guatemalan Higher Education Initiative. Sponsors provided support for her to attend both middle school and a specialized high school. The high school was in another town, which meant long-distance travel in addition to tuition, meals, and books—but her sponsors happily invested their time and treasure. And when COVID meant school closures and massive unemployment, Lidia transitioned to virtual learning as she returned home to help her family.
Lidia says, ” I thank God for giving me the chance to study in the midst of chaos and I thank my sponsors who are great blessings in my life. I have no words to express how thankful I am, but I hope I can show it through my grades and achievements. I know one day I will be a pediatrician and through your blessings and the blessings from God my dream will come true.”

For years, adoption grants through Joseph’s DreamCoat have given families the resources needed to provide safe, nurturing Christian homes where children not only experience the love of Jesus Christ, but meet the person of Jesus through the permanent care of a forever family. Joseph’s DreamCoat not only provides adoption grants, but also gives individuals an opportunity to invest in forever families by contributing to those grants. In 2020, the adoption grant program was expanded through a special partnership with Buckner Kenya to Kenyan families ready to open their hearts and homes through domestic adoption.
The calendar was filled with opportunity for US-based supporters to travel around the world, offering support to in-country ministry partners doing the faithful “boots-on-the-ground” work of orphan care. And then, everything changed. That calendar was filled with new opportunity to offer support from afar, from ensuring vulnerable families were fed to sending letters of encouragement, prayers for healing, and learning more about advocating for the orphaned and vulnerable. Through it all, a stronger posture of true servitude was born.
Of the 49 trips planned in 2020, only five teams traveled. Two churches traveled to Honduras to serve at Hope of Jesus and NiCo, a Texas-based journalist gathered stories of hope in Guatemala, a group of WOW volunteers served at the Community Outreach Center in Chimaltenango, and individuals from across the country helped bring Night to Shine to life in both Guatemala City and Xela, and baptized more than 35 young women who had been rescued from sexual exploitation and trafficking.“I am glad to learn about Jesus,” said one girl.“I always was ashamed of my life. Now I know I am free and I am loved.”
Stay connected to Orphan Outreach mission trip plans for 2022 and beyond
At the heart of Women for Orphans Worldwide(WOW) is the power of volunteerism to impact change in the lives of Guatemalan children and families. In 2020, WOW helped provide more than 600,000 meals to the orphaned and vulnerable in Guatemala. And the volunteers didn’t stop there. Through virtual events, WOW Houston raised more than $65,000 to support four programs, including providing desperately needed daily meals for 93 students attending CadaNiño. And WOW Dallas raised more than $225,000 to support the work of five programs. The chapter focused its efforts on breaking the cycle of poverty through education by equipping the Community Outreach Center in Chimaltenango with quality teachers and doubling the number of classes at a fully-accredited Montessori program for its youngest students.
It all began with a night to shine!
Tim Tebow Foundation is well-known for Night to Shine, a prom for special kids that is now hosted in more than 34 countries. So when the foundation chose Guatemala as its new destination in 2017, Down Guatemala was the perfect ministry partner. From that special night was born an ongoing relationship with Orphan Outreach that now spans two continents. Tim Tebow Foundation now provides ongoing operational support for the Down Guatemala that serves 83 children and their families and has helped fund a new school in Quezaltenango which welcomed more than 50 children. A third school is now part of a fundraising effort by Tim Tebow himself. The support of the foundation also ensured families at Down Guatemala had urgently needed food during the midst of the pandemic. In Honduras, the foundation has helped to provide crucial support for a special privatized foster care initiative. And in Nairobi, Kenya, the Tim Tebow Foundation made sure students at Patmos School in Mathare Slum had a safe and weather-resistant place for recreation.
Our sincere gratitude goes out to every foundation, business, and individual that provides support through grants and matching gifts. You are indeed restoring hope.
Even though COVID meant many Orphan Outreach partners couldn’t travel to see children and families they loved, both churches and Christian radio stations heeded the call to serve. First Baptist Andrews invested in families impacted by the pandemic in Guatemala, and Chase Oaks and 121 Community Church both provides care for Honduran children and families who faced not only COVID but back-to-back hurricanes that devastated the country.
Missouri-based JoyFM and Boost Radio and their listeners made sure food was provided to thousands of children and families in not only Guatemala, but Honduras and Kenya as well. KVNE, located in east Texas, fed students and their families at Down Guatemala and in the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala. In fact, in 2020 alone, Christian radio partnerships provided more than 1.5 million meals to families impacted by the global pandemic.
And Michigan-based WCSG and its listeners said “yes” to sponsorship of every student at both Patmos and Madeleine School in Kenya through their Days of Hope campaign, ensuring 500 children receive the essentials of care they needed to thrive in 2020 and beyond.
We thank the many strategic partners who help us restore hope each and every day.
Ready to partner with Orphan Outreach? Discover the benefits!
Orphan Outreach MARKETPLACE
Creating a social enterprise that offered dignified work for artisans and ongoing care for orphaned and vulnerable children was in the thick of the planning process when news broke about a global pandemic. The impact was devastating, especially in developing countries served by Orphan Outreach. And in the crisis, Orphan Outreach Marketplace was born. Beginning first with masks woven by Guatemalan artisans, the online store soon began carrying other limited-edition handcrafted items, including beaded bags from the Tabitha Ministry in Santiago, Guatemala.“The pandemic affected us a lot,” says Mary, founder of the ministry.“Many women suffered; they did not have money for their family needs. But now, we have been able to help these women by giving them a job.”
Discover how you can make a double impact with every purchase.
At the end of 2020, I remember looking forward to 2021, believing that we would see the end of COVID. How naive of me. Little did I know that 2021 would bring 2nd and 3rd waves of infection, variants. Team members have been hospitalized, and we as an Orphan Outreach family even lost a dear friend and a faithful ministry partner. The past two years have been hard. Coach Monty Williams has a phrase I’ve been chewing on lately.;
“Everything you want is on the other side of hard.”
It’s true in so many aspects of life—It’s true for Orphan Outreach. We want to glorify Jesus Christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian life in their community. That, my friends, is hard.
But if I’m being honest, it’s never been easy. Was starting Orphan Outreach from nothing easy? Was building something with no track record easy? Hasn’t it always been hard?
Serving God is hard. Serving orphaned and vulnerable children is hard. Hard is what we signed up for. And more importantly, even though it’s hard, God is with us.
We have been exceedingly blessed during this trying time. It doesn’t make sense. It’s not intuitive. It doesn’t follow any pattern. We can’t take credit. All we know is that all we receive comes from above. God’s hand and favor are on us. Each of us.
Rey Diaz, President of Orphan Outreach
glorify Jesus Christ
Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. (Psalm 82:3)
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)
significant, long-term impact
We focus on ministry that shapes all the ways kids develop, shaping the quality, direction, and destiny of their lives. We do that through:
- Fostering Relationships
- Creating defining moments
- Providing quality programs/services
orphaned and vulnerable children
- More than 140 million children globally are orphaned;
- 1.5 million children have been orphaned due to COVID-19 alone;
- Only 10% of orphans who age out of traditional residential care are able to successfully transition into adulthood.
fulfilling, independent Christian life
We provide each child with the skill sets, competencies, and know-how to live a productive, fulfilling life. We do that by:
- Providing every child with opportunities to hear the Gospel, embrace the life-changing love of Jesus Christ, and grow in their faith through regular bible study.
- Offering every child a quality education that creates opportunities to use their gifts and talents well.
- Giving every child the training needed for healthy human relationships.
- Preparing every child with the tools to be resilient and self-reliant.
- Mentoring every child to have a mature perspective as they learn to balance their place in the world and their relationship with God.